What is a PA System

3 years ago 1082 view(s)
What is a PA System

A PA System, also known as a public address system is a fully-featured system that includes everything you’ll need to project sound from an instrument, voice or any other audio output.

Featuring speakers, microphones, amplifiers and occasionally additional equipment such as mixers, stands, carry bags and cables, the trusty PA system is used everywhere. From performances in the park to public events, parties and celebrations, the PA system is a vital collection of equipment that is certain to deliver the music or audio output that you’re looking for.

PA Systems vs Public Address Systems - what is the difference?

You may have heard or seen mentions of ‘PA Systems’ whilst too seeing mentions of ‘Public Address Systems’, but what are the differences between these two systems? The simple answer is that there is no difference, they are both the same thing. When you go back to the definition of what a PA system is, it could not be more simpler than ‘PA’ standing for ‘public address’ thus both PA system and public address system being both the exact same thing.

For those that are new to this realm, it can be confusing seeing these two phrases quite truly meaning the same thing and yet the products when shopping for either of these two phrases coming back with a widely different product range.

In recent times, ‘public address systems’ have come to be the phrase that is used when shopping or discussing ceiling or wall speaker systems, known best as installed sound systems that are built-in to your home or venue. These systems are best used for communication with many people at the same time in both commercial spaces and private premises. Great for warehouses, airports or sizable offices, these speakers are also ideal as part of a background music system within the likes of hotels, restaurants, fitness centres and much more.

The phrase ‘PA systems’ is most commonly used when referring to systems that are more versatile, with speaker and microphone systems that can be used for bands, public speaking and events. These particular systems are mostly seen as standalone and usually feature active or passive PA speakers mounted upon stands. This phrase is also used for ‘portable pa systems’, which are the more transportable cousin of the two.

Equipment within a PA system

As you may already know, the equipment within a PA system can vary depending on the circumstances, but what is true to its nature is that each and every PA system will consist of the following components:

The speaker (or speakers, normally) could easily be seen as the most important component within such a system, as it is what produces the sound of your system! PA speakers can vary in shape and size but are an essential part of any PA system.

These speakers can either be active or passive, with active speakers including an in-built amplifier whilst passive speakers have no built-in power supply so will need to be powered externally. The choice between passive and active speakers are down to user preference, with active speakers normally being favoured by those who enjoy an all-round more complete system whilst passive speakers are for those who want to add their own separate amplifier into their system.

The mixing desk is where everything happens with your PA system, this is where you control the sound and volume that comes out of your setup, the inputs that are connected up and the outputs that come out. You can see the mixer as the hub of your whole system, and an important part of any fully functioning system.

As to whether you’ll need an amplifier depends on the speakers that you have. For those that are using active speakers within their system, these speakers are inbuilt with an amplifier that removes the need to purchase any additional amplifier. For those that have opted to include passive speakers within their system, an amplifier that is capable of more than the power rating of your particular passive speakers will be required.

Other equipment

Although not always a major part of such a system, those who are looking for a bass-heavy production or performance might find themselves needing to pick up a subwoofer with a healthy bass-sounding device that’ll work to alleviate some strain from your main speakers.

Microphones, cables and more, oh my!
We’ve covered some of the more significant aspects of a PA system above, but there are plenty more accessories that might just be required to ensure your system can function as expected.

For those that are looking to project your voice, whether it be as part of a performance, public speaking or for a warehouse audio system, you’ll need to ensure you have a microphone with your system to ensure you’re able to do this. Wired microphones can be seen as the easier option, as you can quite simply plug-in-and-play but there are also alternatives in the wireless microphone market for those that are looking for something a bit more hands-free.

Cables are another necessity when it comes to your system, as these will be what connects up your system to one another. The types of cables can vary depending on the items included within your setup, but may consist of or involve:

  • Jack cables - these particular cables are best used to connect up your instruments to your system
  • RCA cables - these connect to your phone, laptop or other device and can be used to connect your external equipment to your mixer
  • XLR cables - these are used to connect your microphones to your system

Wrapping up

Understanding what is a PA system, the different types of system available on the market and what the system includes can sometimes be daunting for those not familiar with the terminology, however, we hope that our breakdown has assisted you in making sense of it all.

With this knowledge, we hope you are now more comfortable with understanding the different types of systems available on the market, allowing you to shop freely for the ideal system to best suit your needs. If you need any further information, feel free to reach out to us at ElectroMarket - we have a wide range of PA systems available, with a wide variety for bands, churches, DJs, singers and more. We also have a wide range of public address systems, with a strong selection of powerful commercial ceiling speakers and wall mount speakers.

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