Upgrade Your Work From Home Equipment

Upgrade Your Work From Home Equipment
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Upgrade Your Work From Home Equipment

Imagine this: you're in the middle of a crucial Zoom meeting, trying to present your ideas with clarity and confidence. But just as you begin, your laptop's camera wobbles on its makeshift stack of books, the lighting casts awkward shadows across your face, and your audio cuts out intermittently, thanks to the cheap headset you've been making do with. Sound familiar? For many in the UK, the sudden shift to working from home turned our living spaces into impromptu offices overnight. While we've adapted our work from home equipment in many ways, the limitations of a poorly equipped workspace can still pose daily challenges, impacting both our productivity and well-being.

A well-organised and properly equipped home office isn't just about aesthetics—it's about creating an environment that fosters focus, reduces physical strain, and supports a clear boundary between work and home life. Whether you're working full-time from your spare bedroom or splitting your hours between the office and your living room, upgrading your workspace with the right tools can make a world of difference.

In this blog post, we'll dive into practical tips and suggestions to help you transform your work-from-home setup into a more efficient, comfortable, and professional space. We'll cover essential equipment, from ergonomic supports to advanced tech tools, ensuring you have everything you need to boost your productivity and make working from home a more enjoyable experience.

Ergonomic Setup: Comfort is Key

The Role of Ergonomics

Spending long hours hunched over a laptop or straining to see a poorly positioned monitor can take a toll on your body. Ergonomics is all about optimising your work from home equipment to fit your needs, reducing discomfort, and preventing long-term health issues like back pain, eye strain, and repetitive strain injuries. An ergonomic setup isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for anyone spending significant time at a desk.

Poor posture can lead to a cascade of health problems, from headaches and fatigue to more serious musculoskeletal issues. The key to a healthy workspace is ensuring that your equipment supports your body in a natural, comfortable position. This means your screen should be at eye level, your chair should support your lower back, and your keyboard and mouse should allow your hands to rest in a relaxed, neutral position.

Recommended Equipment: Power Dynamics Black Universal Laptop Stand

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve your ergonomic setup is by raising your laptop to eye level. The Power Dynamics Black Universal Laptop Stand is a sleek, sturdy solution that raises your screen to prevent neck strain. Crafted from durable materials, this stand is not only adjustable, allowing you to find the perfect height, but it also provides a stable base, ensuring your laptop stays securely in place even during those intense typing sessions.

By bringing your laptop screen up to eye level, you can maintain a more natural posture, which helps alleviate tension in your neck and shoulders. The stand's compact design also means it won't clutter your desk, leaving you with ample space for other essentials. Plus, its portability makes it easy to fold up and take with you if your work-from-home setup isn't always in the same spot.

Having an adjustable stand also means you can stand at your desk which is a fantastic way of stretching your legs and helping your posture. There are desks available that can raise and lower as and when you wish to stand up, but these can be quite expensive, and so having and adjustable laptop stand is a cheaper but just-as-effective solution.

Tips for an Ergonomic Workspace

Beyond just using a laptop stand, there are several other strategies you can employ to make your workspace more ergonomic:

  • Chair Height: Ensure your chair is adjusted so that your feet rest flat on the floor (or on a footrest), with your thighs parallel to the ground. Your chair should support your lower back, encouraging you to sit upright without slouching.
  • Monitor Eye Level: If you're using an external monitor, it should be positioned at eye level so that you can look straight ahead at the screen without tilting your head up or down. A monitor stand can help achieve this.
  • Keyboard and Mouse Placement: Your keyboard and mouse should be within easy reach, allowing your elbows to stay close to your body with your forearms parallel to the floor. This reduces strain on your wrists and shoulders.
  • Frequent Breaks: No matter how well-designed your workspace is, it's important to take regular breaks to move around and stretch. Sitting in one position for too long can lead to stiffness and fatigue.

By investing in ergonomic solutions like the Power Dynamics Black Universal Laptop Stand and following these tips, you can create a more comfortable, health-conscious workspace that supports both your productivity and well-being.

Improved Audio Quality: Professional Sound for Virtual Meetings

Why Audio Quality Matters

When working from home, clear and effective communication is paramount. Virtual meetings have become the norm, and while we’ve all experienced a patchy video feed now and then, poor audio quality can be far more disruptive. Muffled voices, background noise, and inconsistent sound levels can make it difficult to follow conversations, leading to misunderstandings and a lack of professionalism. If you're struggling to be heard clearly, it not only impacts your ability to communicate effectively but can also reflect poorly on your professionalism, whether you're in a casual team catch-up or an important client presentation.

Good audio quality ensures that your voice is clear and distinct, helping you convey your ideas confidently and engage more effectively with others. Investing in quality audio equipment is crucial to making sure your contributions are understood without the frustration of repeating yourself or battling against background noise.

Recommended Equipment: PD PCM120 USB Microphone

For crisp and professional audio, the PD PCM120 USB Condenser Microphone is an excellent choice. This microphone is designed to capture clear, detailed sound, making it ideal for virtual meetings, podcasts, or any audio recordings you might need to make from home. The condenser technology ensures that your voice is picked up accurately, reducing background noise and focusing on the sound directly in front of the mic. Plus, with its USB microphone connection, it’s incredibly easy to set up—just plug it into your computer, and you're ready to go.

The PD PCM120 also comes with a sturdy stand, allowing you to position it at the perfect height for optimal sound capture. This not only helps your voice clarity but also frees you from the restrictions of built-in laptop microphones, which often fail to deliver the same level of audio quality.

Recommended Equipment: Audizio ANC110 Wireless Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation

Pairing your microphone with high-quality headphones, like the Audizio ANC110 Wireless Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation, can further improve your audio experience. Active noise cancellation (ANC) is essential for blocking out distractions, whether it’s the hum of household appliances or the sounds of a bustling household. The ANC110 headphones provide clear, immersive sound for listening.

These wireless headphones offer the flexibility to move around your workspace without being tethered to your desk, and their long battery life means they’ll last through even the most extended meetings. With their comfortable fit and advanced noise-cancelling technology, you can maintain focus and professionalism, even in a noisy home environment.

Tips for Optimising Your Audio Setup

  • Microphone Positioning: Place your microphone close to your mouth but slightly off-centre to reduce plosive sounds (those harsh “p” and “b” sounds). A distance of 6-12 inches usually works well.
  • Use Headphones: Always use headphones during virtual meetings to prevent audio feedback and echo, which can occur if your speakers and microphone pick up the same sounds.
  • Soundproofing Your Room: Consider simple soundproofing solutions like adding rugs, curtains, or foam panels to your workspace. These materials can absorb unwanted noise, leading to a cleaner sound during your calls.
  • Regular Audio Checks: Before important meetings, do a quick audio check to ensure everything is working correctly. Test your microphone levels and ensure that background noise is minimised.

PD PCM120 USB Condenser Microphone, Audizio ANC110 Wireless Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation and a team meeting onlinePD PCM120 USB Condenser Microphone, Audizio ANC110 Wireless Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation and a team meeting online
An online Zoom meeting, a Beamz SFP100 LED Panel Softbox (100W CW/WW) and a person holding an online meeting outsideAn online Zoom meeting, a Beamz SFP100 LED Panel Softbox (100W CW/WW) and a person holding an online meeting outside

Perfecting Lighting: Look Your Best on Camera

The Importance of Good Lighting

In the era of video conferencing and content creation, lighting plays a critical role in how you're perceived on camera. Poor lighting can make you look tired, washed out, or even unprofessional, regardless of how prepared or articulate you are. Good lighting, on the other hand, helps your on-screen appearance, making you look more vibrant and engaged. It can also help reduce eye strain for those watching, as well as improve the overall quality of your video feed, whether you're in a meeting or recording content.

Proper lighting is essential not just for vanity but for clear communication. When your face is well-lit, your expressions are more visible, making it easier for others to engage with what you're saying. This is especially important for maintaining rapport and conveying non-verbal cues, which are crucial components of effective communication.

Recommended Equipment: Beamz SFP100 LED Panel Softbox (100W CW/WW)

To achieve professional-level lighting at home, the Beamz SFP100 LED Panel Softbox is a fantastic tool. This softbox light is designed to provide consistent, adjustable lighting, which is perfect for both video calls and content creation. The LED panel offers a range of colour temperatures, from cool to warm white, allowing you to customise the light to suit your environment and the time of day.

What makes the Beamz SFP100 stand out is its ability to produce soft, even lighting that reduces harsh shadows and glare, creating a more flattering image. Its adjustable brightness means you can fine-tune the light intensity to match your needs, ensuring that you’re always well-lit without being overexposed. Additionally, this light is easy to set up and can be positioned in various ways to achieve the best lighting angle for your space.

Tips for Lighting Setup

  • Positioning Your Lights: The key to good lighting is positioning. Place your softbox light at a 45-degree angle from your face, slightly above eye level. This helps to distribute light evenly and avoid shadows. If you’re using natural light, try to position yourself facing a window to allow even light across your face.
  • Avoid Backlighting: Make sure your primary light source isn’t directly behind you, as this can cause your face to appear dark and shadowy. If you have a bright window behind you, consider using curtains or blinds to diffuse the light.
  • Use Multiple Light Sources: If possible, use more than one light source to eliminate shadows and provide depth to your appearance. A softbox as your main light and a smaller, less intense light on the opposite side can help balance the lighting.
  • Adjust for Time of Day: As the natural light changes throughout the day, you may need to adjust your artificial lighting to maintain consistent video quality. Dim or brighten your lights as needed to keep a professional appearance on camera.

With the right lighting setup, you can enhance your on-camera presence, making you look polished and professional during every virtual meeting or recording session. Investing in quality lighting equipment like the Beamz SFP100 LED Panel Softbox ensures you always put your best face forward.

Visual Setup: Clearer Viewing Experience

Why Dual Monitors Are a Game-Changer

If you’ve ever found yourself juggling between multiple tabs or trying to compare documents on a single screen, you know how limiting a single monitor can be. Enter the dual monitor setup—a true game-changer for multitasking. With two screens, you can have your email open on one side while working on a document or attending a video conference on the other, drastically improving your workflow and efficiency. For tasks that require referencing multiple sources, such as research, coding, or design work, dual monitors provide the space needed to work more comfortably and productively.

A dual monitor setup doesn’t just increase your screen real estate; it also reduces the need to constantly switch between tabs or windows, saving you time and reducing the mental load of keeping track of multiple tasks. This setup is especially beneficial for those who work with detailed spreadsheets, complex projects, or any job requiring constant access to multiple applications.

Recommended Equipment: Audizio MAD20 Dual Monitor Desk Stand

The Audizio MAD20 Dual Monitor Desk Stand is the ideal solution for supporting your dual monitor setup. This stand is designed to hold two monitors securely, with adjustable arms that allow you to position your screens at the perfect height and angle. This flexibility not only enhances comfort by reducing neck and eye strain but also helps to maintain an organised, clutter-free desk by freeing up valuable desktop space.

The MAD20's sturdy build ensures that your monitors remain stable, even during adjustments. Its sleek, space-saving design is perfect for keeping your workspace tidy, and the easy adjustability allows you to customise your setup based on your specific needs, whether you’re sitting or standing.

Recommended Equipment: Vonyx SMN30B Active Home Studio Monitors (Pair)

For those who need high-quality audio in their workspace—whether for video editing, music production, or simply enjoying great sound while working—the Vonyx SMN30B Active Studio Monitors are an excellent addition. Unlike standard computer speakers, these Home studio monitors deliver clear, accurate sound, making them perfect for any task that requires precision audio.

The SMN30B monitors provide a balanced sound that’s ideal for both professional work and casual listening, ensuring that every detail of your audio is crisp and clear. They’re compact enough to fit comfortably on your desk, yet powerful enough to fill your space with high-quality sound, enhancing your overall work experience.

Tips for an Efficient Visual and Audio Setup

  • Monitor Arrangement: Position your dual monitors side by side, with the edges of each screen slightly angled towards you. This creates a more immersive viewing experience and allows for seamless transitions between screens. Adjust the height so that the top of the screens are at or slightly below eye level to reduce neck strain.
  • Incorporate Studio Monitors: Place your home studio monitors at ear level, equidistant from your seating position. This helps to create an optimal listening environment where the sound reaches your ears without distortion. If space is tight, consider using monitor stands to elevate them above your desk.
  • Cable Management: Use the cable management features of the MAD20 stand to keep monitor cables organised and out of sight. This helps maintain a clean, professional-looking setup and prevents cables from tangling.
Audizio MAD20 Dual Monitor Desk Stand from behind, Audizio MAD20 Dual Monitor Desk Stand without monitors and Vonyx SMN30B Active Studio Monitors Audizio MAD20 Dual Monitor Desk Stand from behind, Audizio MAD20 Dual Monitor Desk Stand without monitors and Vonyx SMN30B Active Studio Monitors
A clean desk with laptop and a clean desk with PCsA clean desk with laptop and a clean desk with PCs

Organising Your Workspace: Declutter for Better Focus

The Importance of an Organised Workspace

An organised workspace is more than just visually pleasing—it’s a key factor in maintaining productivity and mental clarity. Clutter, whether it’s stacks of paper, tangled cables, or random office supplies, can be distracting and overwhelming. When your workspace is cluttered, it can be harder to focus, leading to procrastination and a decrease in work efficiency. A tidy, well-organised desk, on the other hand, promotes a sense of calm and order, making it easier to concentrate and get work done efficiently.

A clutter-free environment also helps to reduce stress and mental fatigue. By creating a space where everything has its place, you can eliminate unnecessary distractions and streamline your workflow. The result? A workspace that’s not only more functional but also more enjoyable to spend time in.

Tips for Decluttering and Organising Your Workspace

  • Cable Management: Loose cables can quickly turn a tidy desk into a tangled mess. To keep cables organised, use cable ties or clips to bundle them together neatly. Under-desk cable trays can also be a great solution, keeping cables out of sight and off the floor. If possible, opt for wireless devices like a mouse or keyboard to reduce cable clutter altogether.
  • Desk Organisation: Invest in desk organisers to keep your essentials within easy reach without overcrowding your workspace. A simple tray or set of drawers can store stationery, files, and other small items, keeping them off your desk but easily accessible when needed. For papers and documents, use file organisers or a filing cabinet to keep everything in order.
  • Minimalism: Embrace a minimalist approach by keeping only the essential items on your desk. This could include your laptop, a notebook, a pen holder, and perhaps a personal item or two, like a plant or photo. The idea is to remove anything that doesn’t serve a specific purpose in your workday, reducing visual clutter and helping you focus on the tasks at hand.

By taking the time to declutter and organise your workspace, you create an environment that supports your productivity and mental well-being. With a clean and orderly desk, you’ll find it easier to focus, reduce stress, and maintain a more positive work-from-home experience.

Personalising Your Space: Make It Your Own

Why Personalisation Matters

Your home office should be more than just a functional space; it should be a place where you feel comfortable, inspired, and motivated. Personalising your workspace can significantly impact your mood and productivity. When your surroundings reflect your personality and preferences, it creates a sense of ownership and pride, making you more likely to enjoy spending time there. A well-curated workspace can also reduce stress and increase your creativity, turning your home office into a place of productivity rather than just another room in the house.

Customising your workspace to match your style can make a routine workday more enjoyable and can even help signal the start and end of your workday, creating a clear boundary between work and home life.

Tips for Personalising Your Workspace

  • Decor and Ambiance: Adding a few personal touches to your workspace can make all the difference. Consider incorporating items that inspire creativity and positivity, like potted plants, which bring a touch of nature indoors and improve air quality. Artwork, whether it’s a favourite painting or motivational posters, can also help set the tone for your workspace. Personal items such as photos or mementoes add warmth and familiarity, making your workspace uniquely yours.
  • Customising Equipment: Even functional items like monitor stands or microphones can be chosen to complement the aesthetic of your space. For example, the Audizio MAD20 Dual Monitor Desk Stand comes in a sleek design that can seamlessly blend with modern office decor. Choosing equipment that matches your style not only boosts functionality but also contributes to the overall look and feel of your workspace.


Creating a well-designed home office is essential for anyone working from home. From ergonomic setups to high-quality audio and visual equipment, the right tools can transform your workspace into a hub of productivity and comfort. By investing in the right equipment and personalising your space, you not only enhance your work environment but also boost your overall work satisfaction and well-being.

Now is the time to take action and start implementing these tips. Whether it’s upgrading your microphone for clearer communication, adding a dual monitor setup for better multitasking, or simply decluttering your desk, every step you take towards improving your workspace will pay off in your daily work life. So why wait? Start transforming your home office today and experience the benefits of a space that truly works for you.

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